Notes to Contributors

Your contributions to this site are welcome. All material used will be credited to its source. If you entrust me with your A-1 photos, I will take the very best possible care of them until they are returned safely to you.

I'm sorry if this sounds cold, but I do not have time to scan slides or photos of subjects other than A-1s and/or A-1 pilots. The subject of the web site is Skyraiders and the guys that flew them. Please don't send me pictures of your hootch boy or tealok, or the town outside the base gate.

Photos/Slides Collections

I would prefer to scan photos and slides myself. I have both a flatbed scanner and a slide scanner which can scan 35mm slides or negatives. However, if you would prefer to do it yourself, please use the following guidelines:

1) Scan the image using standard 'default' scanner settings.

2) Save the image as a jpg file using mid level (5) compression. This applies to both color and black and white images.

3) Use 150 dpi resolution and a print size of 4" x 6"

4) Once the images are scanned and ready for the site, you will be asked to assist in the captioning process.

5) If the photo or slide you have is not very clear or has poor contrast, it probably won't look very good on the web. But I'll give it a try and see how it comes out.

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War Stories and other text

I have MS Word 6 for Mac so can read Word for Windows. I can read some other formats such as WordPerfect (Mac or Windows), but would prefer the document either be included as part of the email itself, or attached as a text file. Use 'Save as...' and select the ASCII text option.

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