Scotch 03 SAR

30 June - 1 July 1968

(Tape courtesy of George Marrett and Don Condra, A-1 drivers)

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Scotch 03

68/07/01 F-105D 61-0118 355th TFW Takhli

LTC Jack Modica Jr. Pilot Rescued

Scotch 03 was attacking a SAM transporter in North Vietnam. His target was in Route Package I (extreme southern North Vietnam). Following a weapons delivery pass, he was hit on pull up, LTC Modica steered west, but the cockpit filled with smoke and he was forced to eject mid-way between Fingers Lake and Bat Lake (vic XD858 934), just north of the DMZ. Spad 11, Maj Henry A. Tippings A-1H was hit while suppressing ground fire during the SAR effort for Scotch 03, his aircraft later crashed and he was KIA/BNR.

Following the recovery of the pilot, the SAR forces exited the area to the south and the Jolly Green took the injured survivor to Dong Ha for medical treatment.


Day 1

Day 1 is a real "shoot 'em up" with the Jolly Green getting shot up during a pickup attempt. The action takes place in the late afternoon. All SAR forces are ordered to withdraw following the failed attempt.

The Players (There are undoubtedly more, but these are the ones that are heard on the tape.)

Scotch 03 (the survivor) - LtC Jack Modica

Jolly Green 29 and 22 (HH-3 or HH-53)

Spad 11-12, 13-14 (A-1 Skyraiders out of Danang)

Misty 41, 51 (Fast FAC F-100F two-seaters) (Misty 41 is tape bird)

(Audio file is in mp3 format)

Play Scotch 03 Day 1 Tape
(10 min 06 sec)

Day 2

The tape for Day 2 begins following of an apparent decision by Blue Chip to terminate the SAR. Repeated attempts to extract the survivor in the morning of this second day met with failure. Enemy resistance was strong and frustrations were high. The opening dialog was in the Misty 21 cockpit between front and back seater.

Finally, the Jolly Green comes in for the pickup. A PJ is put on the ground to asist the injured survivor. After some delay, the survivor is located and brought on board.

The Players (There are undoubtedly more, but these are the ones that are heard on the tape.)

Crown 4 - SAR airborne command and control C-121

Misty 21 (tape bird) and 31 - Fast FAC F-100Fs

Blue Chip - 7th Air Force HQ in Saigon

Panama - Danang GCI

Waterboy - Dong Ha GCI

Sandy 01-02, 03-04, 05-06 - SAR A-1 Skyraiders

Spad 31-32, 33-34, 35-36 - Support/escort A-1 Skyraiders

Rustic - FAC (O-2?)

Bear - strike flight (fast movers)

(Audio file is in mp3 format)

Play Scotch 03 Day 2 Tape
(20 min 47 sec)